Parry MB-CS12 Modular Bar Cocktail Station W1200mm

Parry MB-CS12 Modular Bar Cocktail Station W1200mm
Parry MB-CS12 Modular Bar Cocktail Station W1200mm - view 1Optional Lower Speed Rail
£1,107.00 (£1,328.40 Including VAT at 20%)
  ( inc. VAT at 20%)
Additional Shelf
Optional Lower Speed Rail

Product Description

The Parry MB-CS12 Cocktail Station is a modular unit designed for the sole purpose of making cocktails! The freestanding unit comprises of a fully insulated ice well which can be divided by 2 removable walls, a fully welded compact bowl drain and overflow, a glass refresher and a wide 1200mm speed rail which is attached to the front of the unit. An undershelf provides additional space for storing glassware or other essential items which are protected from falling by side and rear upstands. Height: 850mm with integral 50mm upstand. Width: 1200mm. Depth: 580 mm (594 inc. speed rail).

Key Features
Free standing cocktail station with integral upstand
Fully insulated ice well with two removable divider sections
One undershelf with incorporated upstand to sides and rear
Fully welded compact bowl drain and overflow
Complete with speed rail
Unit Size W1200 x D594 x H850mm
Ice Well Size: W545 x D395 x H300mm
1 Year Warranty